Don Bosco's bicentenaryTo celebrate don Bosco's bicentenary, 4Bit Animation Studio produced for Salesian Youth Movement of Triveneto 6 animated shorts about don Bosco's life, titled "Passions", depicted trough the interpretation of the Roses Pergola dream. Music by The Josh Woodward, Andrea Pacini and Michele Tondato have collaborated with us in the creation of 3D animations.                                                                                                                                                                    
MGS Triveneto
Bearzi Josh Woodward
February 2015

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Don Bosco's bicentenaryTo celebrate don Bosco's bicentenary, 4Bit Animation Studio produced for Salesian Youth Movement of Triveneto 6 animated shorts about don Bosco's life, titled "Passions", depicted trough the interpretation of the Roses Pergola dream. Music by The Josh Woodward, Andrea Pacini and Michele Tondato have collaborated with us in the creation of 3D animations.                                                                                                                                                                    
MGS Triveneto
Bearzi Josh Woodward
February 2015